⁍ Mainichi: Hitachi’s board of directors could make a formal decision as early as Wednesday.
⁍ In a statement, Hitachi said the Mainichi report is not based on information disclosed by the company.
– Britain’s plan to replace its aging nuclear power plants is looking less and less likely to succeed, according to a report in Japan’s Mainichi newspaper. Hitachi says it will “completely exit” a nuclear power project in Wales, Reuters reports. Last year, the company wrote down $28 billion because it couldn’t find private investors for the project, which was supposed to be the first new nuclear plant in Britain since 1968.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/hitachi-nuclear/update-1-hitachi-to-exit-stalled-british-nuclear-power-project-mainichi-newspaper-idUSL4N2GB4HM