⁍ President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign plans to emphasize the U.S. economy in a $10 million ad buy.

⁍ It follows its focus in recent months on ‘law and order,’ a senior Trump campaign official said.

⁍ Trump has led Democratic opponent Joe Biden on the handling of the U.S. economy in opinion polls.

– President Trump’s re-election campaign is spending $10 million on new TV ads, Fox News reports. According to Reuters, a senior Trump campaign official says the ads will focus on the economy. “It’s a focus on the economy as the defining issue of the campaign,” the official says. “Law and order is something that the campaign and the president will still talk about for sure.” The official says the new ads will run in several states crucial to Trump winning re-election. Trump is embarking on a heavier fundraising schedule in coming weeks as his re-election campaign faces a possible cash crunch.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump/trump-camp-shifting-new-ad-to-economy-after-law-and-order-focus-idUSKBN2653ML