⁍ The aero-engine maker said it was considering a variety of options, including a rights issue.

⁍ In July, the group said it expected a 1-billion-pound outflow in the second half of the year.

– Britain’s Rolls-Royce is considering a $3.2 billion fundraising plan that would include a rights issue and debt, the Financial Times reports. The aero-engine maker says it is “reviewing all funding options to enhance balance sheet resilience and strength.” The plan would help Rolls-Royce cope with the impact of the H1N1 virus, which has caused a drop in air travel and resulted in at least 9,000 job cuts at the company in May, Reuters reports.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-rolls-royce-hldg-raise/rolls-royce-plans-to-raise-up-to-25-billion-as-covid-19-bites-idUSKCN26A0R1