⁍ Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden urged Senate Republicans not to vote on any candidate nominated to the Supreme Court as the November election approaches.

⁍ Biden was speaking on Sunday, the day that a second Senate Republican voiced objections to Trump’s plan for a quick vote on a replacement to liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

⁍ Biden said that if he wins the Nov. 3 election, he should have the chance to nominate the next Supreme Court justice.

– President Trump says he plans to nominate “a woman” to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, and Hillary Clinton says it should be a woman “because I actually like women much more than men.” Clinton, speaking on Meet the Press, called Trump’s plan to have the Senate confirm the nominee before the November election “indefensible,” the AP reports. “What’s happening in our country is incredibly dangerous,” said Clinton, who nominated Ginsburg in 1993. “Our institutions are being basically undermined by the lust for power.” Trump said Saturday that he would make his pick next week, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to have the nomination voted on before the election. “I will be putting forth a nominee next week. It will be a woman,” Trump said at a rally in North Carolina. “I think it should be a woman because I actually like women much more than men.” He added: “I think it should be a woman because I actually like women much more than men.” More on the Supreme Court: Joe Biden called Trump’s plan to have the Senate vote on the nominee an “exercise of raw political power,” Reuters reports. “Voters of this country should be heard,” he said. “They’re the ones who this Constitution envisions should decide who has the power to make this appointment. To jam this nomination through the Senate is just an exercise of raw political power.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-ginsburg/biden-blasts-trumps-plan-to-push-for-supreme-court-nominee-before-election-idUSKCN26B0I7