⁍ A Canadian woman arrested on suspicion of mailing ricin-filled letters to President Donald Trump and six people in Texas made her first court appearance on Tuesday.

⁍ The suspect, identified in court documents as Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, 53, is charged with making threats against the president of the United States.

⁍ She was arrested on Sunday on the Canada-U.S. border between Buffalo and Fort Erie, Ontario, where she was found to be armed with a loaded gun and a knife.

– “I found a new name for you: ‘The Ugly Tyrant Clown.’ I hope you like it. You ruin USA and lead them to disaster,'” the letter to President Trump reads, per the FBI. “If it didn’t work, the sender might find a ‘better recipe for another poison’ or resort to using a gun.” The ricin-filled letter was intercepted Friday at the White House mail sorting facility in Washington, DC, and Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, a 53-year-old resident of Canada’s Quebec province, was arrested Sunday at the US-Canada border between Buffalo and Fort Erie, Ontario, with a loaded gun and knife, authorities say, per Reuters. Ferrier, who was deported from the US last year, is charged with making threats against the president and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted, reports the Buffalo News. Ferrier is also accused of sending ricin-filled letters to six people in Texas who work in prisons or detention centers, as well as a letter to Trump in which she wrote, “I hope you like it. You ruin USA and lead them to disaster.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-ricin/woman-suspected-of-mailing-ricin-letter-to-trump-ordered-to-stay-in-us-custody-idUSKCN26D1B7