⁍ Australia said it will spend A$800 million ($566 million) on measures to help businesses take their administration and regulatory compliance online.
⁍ The federal government said it would spend A$420 million coordinating Australia’s more than 30 company registers and put them online.
⁍ It would also spend A$257 million to expand a digital identity system for people interacting with the main government internet portal.
– If you own a business in Australia, you’ll soon be able to track it online. The federal government says it will spend $566 million over the next four years to make it easier for companies to manage their paperwork, Reuters reports. The biggest chunk of the money—$420 million—will go to putting company registers online, which will “allowing businesses to quickly view, update, and maintain their business registry data in one location,” the government says. It’ll also spend $257 million to expand a digital identity system for people who interact with the government’s internet portal, including a permanent “director identification number” to help prevent “phoenix” activity, such as shutting down one company and setting up a new one to carry out the same business. The money is part of a plan to “support Australia’s economic recovery by removing out-dated regulatory barriers, boosting the capability of small businesses, and backs the uptake of technology across the economy,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-budget-internet/australia-pledges-566-million-in-push-for-digital-business-compliance-idUSKBN26J3BD