⁍ China’s ambassador to the World Trade Organization said a panel ruling by the global trade body this month was ‘objective and fair’
‘We think that the panel made an objective and fair decision,’ Zhang Xiangchen said at a virtual trade conference in which his U.S. counterpart Dennis Shea also participated.

⁍ ‘We hope that it will facilitate the prompt resolution of the dispute between China and the U.S.,’ he added.

– China’s ambassador to the World Trade Organization said on Monday that a ruling that found the US had breached rules through its multi-billion dollar China tariffs was “objective and fair,” Reuters reports. “We think that the panel made an objective and fair decision,” Zhang Xiangchen said at a virtual trade conference. “We hope that it will facilitate the prompt resolution of the dispute between China and the US.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-china-wto/china-calls-wto-ruling-on-trumps-tariffs-objective-and-fair-idUSKBN26J2CJ