⁍ G20 energy ministers reaffirmed a commitment to ‘ensure that the energy sector continues to make a full, effective contribution to COVID-19’
The ministers concluded a two-day meeting on Monday, endorsing the circular carbon economy (CCE) platform and its ‘4Rs’ framework.

– G20 energy ministers on Monday reaffirmed a commitment to “ensure that the energy sector continues to make a full, effective contribution to overcoming COVID-19” and “recognized actions by both producers and consumers to stabilize energy markets,” Reuters reports. The ministers also endorsed the circular carbon economy platform and its “4Rs” framework, and said they would continue to work together to create the conditions for sustained capital investments, including bolstering investments in innovation and a skilled work force.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil-g20-saudi/g20-energy-ministers-emphasise-importance-of-stimulus-packages-idUSKBN26J3BH