⁍ New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is moving to shut non-essential businesses as well as schools in nine neighborhoods identified as coronavirus clusters.

⁍ Nine states have reported record increases in COVID-19 cases over the last seven days.

⁍ De Blasio said the lockdown was aimed at alleviating worries that cold weather in coming months will force more people indoors and result in a second wave of deadly disease spread.

– New York City is gearing up for a second wave of coronavirus: Mayor Bill de Blasio yesterday announced that non-essential businesses and schools in nine neighborhoods, including parts of Brooklyn and Queens, would be closed as of Wednesday in an effort to stop the spread of the virus that killed four people in the city in April, Reuters reports. “We need to contain the situation and absolutely we will avoid a second wave,” said de Blasio, who noted that only two of the schools in the affected zip codes tested positive for the virus. He added that the schools weren’t the main source of the disease’s spread.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-new-york-city/new-york-city-mayor-seeks-to-lockdown-coronavirus-hotspots-starting-wednesday-idUSL1N2GV07K