⁍ Facebook also said in a blog post that it would respond to candidates or parties making premature claims of victory.
⁍ It also said it would temporarily stop running political ads in the United States after polls close on Nov. 3.
– Election Day is just over a week away, but Facebook is already taking steps to make sure people don’t get the wrong idea about what to do when they go to the polls. The company said in a blog post on Wednesday that it would remove posts that used “militarized language” or suggested the goal was to intimidate voters or election officials, Reuters reports. Facebook also said it would respond to candidates or parties making premature claims of victory before races were called by major media outlets, by adding labels and notifications about the state of the race. It also said it would temporarily stop running political ads in the United States after polls close on Nov. 3.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-facebook/facebook-will-remove-posts-with-militarized-calls-for-us-election-poll-watchers-idUSKBN26S3I5