⁍ Two thirds of the active ingredients needed to make generic drugs are manufactured in Asia.

⁍ More than 80% of Asia’s certificates are held by manufacturers in India and China.

⁍ Europe was rattled at the start of the coronavirus outbreak when India banned exports of certain products.

– If you’re worried about a looming drug shortage, you’re not alone: Two-thirds of the active ingredients used to make generic drugs are manufactured in Asia, according to a study by a German generics lobby. That’s up from 31% in 2000, Reuters reports. India and China hold more than 80% of the quality certificates for the ingredients, which are used to make generic drugs. For more than half of the active ingredients, there are only a handful of manufacturers worldwide. Europe holds 31% of the quality certificates, down from 59% in 2000.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-europe-medicines/majority-of-generic-drug-ingredients-produced-in-asia-study-idUSKBN26S1GX