⁍ Titled ‘Map of The Soul ON:E,’ the virtual event came after the band scrapped its initial plan to hold an in-person show for a limited audience.

⁍ The band’s latest success was ‘Dynamite’, its first song entirely in English, which topped the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart last month.

⁍ Since its 2013 debut, BTS has spearheaded a global K-Pop craze with catchy, upbeat music and dances.

– “You’re not here but I feel you here, as if I can hear your chants, and next time let’s really be here together.” That was the message Saturday from the lead singer of K-pop band BTS to fans who tuned in to the band’s first-ever online concert, Reuters reports. The event—dubbed “Map of The Soul ON:E”—was livestreamed by the band’s management company and allowed fans to post comments simultaneously. “Their songs gave comfort in these tough times and made me a fan,” said a 40-year-old fan in Seoul. “They sing to say everything will be OK and to cheer up, which I think is why all fans around the world love them.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-kpop-bts/k-pop-titan-btss-online-concert-draws-global-fans-idUSKBN26V0PU