⁍ Radiation levels downwind of U.S. hydraulic fracturing drilling sites tend to be significantly higher than background levels.

⁍ The study adds to controversy over the drilling method known as fracking.

⁍ Radioactive particles can be inhaled and increase the risk of lung cancer.

– If you live near a fracking site, you may want to consider moving. A Harvard study published Tuesday in Nature found that radiation levels in the air around fracking sites are significantly higher than background levels, Reuters reports. “The increases are not extremely dangerous, but could raise certain health risks to people living nearby,” lead author Petros Koutrakis says. Koutrakis’ team looked at EPA radiation monitors around the country between 2011 and 2017. They found that levels of radioactive particles downwind of 100 fracking wells were 7% higher than background levels. “Our hope is that once we understand the source more clearly, there will be engineering methods to control this,” Koutrakis says. The source of the radiation is likely naturally occurring radioactive material brought up to the surface during fracking, a process that pumps water underground to break up shale formations. The study found the biggest increases in radiation levels near drill sites in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio that have higher concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive material beneath the surface, and lower readings in places like Texas and New Mexico that have less. It also found less pronounced increases in particle radiation levels near conventional drilling operations. Koutrakis says further study is needed to determine whether the radiation was being released during the drilling process, or from wastewater storage nearby.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fracking-radiation/researchers-find-elevated-radiation-near-us-fracking-sites-idUSKBN26Y29U