⁍ German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged young people to do their part to halt the spread of the coronavirus.
⁍ Private parties were repeatedly blamed for localized outbreaks in German cities.
⁍ Merkel agreed additional measures against coronavirus with the heads of Germany’s 16 states.
– Germany has seen hundreds of cases of the common cold this year, but coronavirus—a respiratory illness related to the common cold—is making things a lot worse. The latest case is a 16-year-old boy who recently returned from Spain. He’s the first child in Germany to die from the illness, which has killed 12 and sickened dozens more, the AP reports. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said today that the disease is spreading rapidly in the country and that she wants young people to steer clear of parties, Reuters reports. “We must call especially on young people to do without a few parties now in order to have a good life tomorrow or the day after,” she said.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronvirus-germany-merkel/merkel-urges-young-people-to-do-without-parties-to-fight-coronavirus-idUSS8N2AL0AY