⁍ The U.S. Justice Department and 11 states have filed an antitrust lawsuit accusing Alphabet Inc’s Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over internet search and search advertising.

⁍ Here are some of the lawyers handling the landmark case.

– The Justice Department’s antitrust suit against Google could cost the company up to $6 billion, the New York Times reports. That’s based on estimates that the suit, which accuses Google of abusing its market-dominating Internet search engine, could cost the company as much as $6 billion in damages and an additional $2 billion in penalties. If the suit goes to court, it could take years to resolve. Here’s what you need to know about the case: The lead attorney: Stuart Shores is a corporate defense lawyer who worked for Bank of America and Equinor before joining the Justice Department last year, Reuters reports. He is working closely with Jeffrey Rosen, the second-in-command at the department behind Attorney General Bill Barr. “I don’t think he took the case with any agenda,” a friend says. “I don’t think of him as a partisan.” The lead counsel: Susan Creighton is Google’s longtime adviser and is known for her role in helping Netscape lay out how Microsoft was dominating the computer software industry in a 1996 memo. She served as lead outside counsel to Google in the earlier FTC investigation. John Schmidtlein is Google’s top lawyer, working closely with Shores and Schmidtlein. “Switching sides is going to be a difficult task,” a former Justice Department antitrust lawyer tells Reuters. “He does not have the background that would naturally lend itself to this case.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tech-antitrust-google-lawyers/meet-the-lawyers-behind-the-us-versus-google-antitrust-showdown-idUSKBN2752M0