⁍ Mexican airline Aeromexico on Tuesday posted a net loss of $130.38 million in the third quarter.

⁍ The drag on profits was considerably narrower than in the prior quarter, when Aeromexico posted a net loss of $1.19 billion.

⁍ The company also reduced its workforce by 96 people, after cutting nearly 2,000 positions in the prior quarter.

– Mexico’s Aeromexico has filed for bankruptcy protection, becoming the third Latin American airline to do so since the H1N1 outbreak earlier this year. The struggling airline reported a third-quarter net loss of $130.38 million yesterday, but said it was on track to return to profitability in the fourth quarter, Reuters reports. “In spite of the complicated environment, the market has shown signs of recovery,” Aeromexico said in a statement, noting that its passenger capacity has increased 68% since the second quarter, with more than a million people taking flights.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/aeromexico-results/update-2-aeromexico-posts-slimmer-quarterly-loss-eyes-pickup-amid-pandemic-idUSL1N2HB2CT