⁍ Analysts say an outbreak could be devastating for the economically and politically isolated country.
⁍ Pyongyang has imposed strict border controls and quarantine measures to prevent an outbreak.
– Yellow dust from China is arriving in North Korea at the worst possible time, according to the country’s official newspaper. “As the new coronavirus continue to spread around the world, the need to deal with the yellow dust and take thorough measures has become more critical,” says the Rodong Sinmun, as per Reuters. Residents are being told to stay indoors, wear masks when outside, and not to visit construction sites. “People must pay attention to personal hygiene after returning from outside,” says another. “Also, workers should avoid outdoor construction work even at reconstruction sites.”
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-northkorea/north-korea-says-china-dust-could-spread-covid-19-warns-people-to-stay-inside-idUSKBN27907B