⁍ Lopez Obrador has sought to bolster state-owned energy companies, especially Pemex.

⁍ But industry figures say this has come at the expense of private companies.

⁍ 43 lawmakers from both sides of Congress wrote to Trump saying Lopez Obrador’s government is threatening U.S. energy companies’ investments.

⁍ Lopez Obrador, referring to the letter, said that in the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement there were two paragraphs that talk about Mexico’s ‘absolute, sovereign right’ to decide its energy policy.

– Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says his government has the “absolute, sovereign right” to decide its energy policies—a claim disputed by 43 US lawmakers who sent a letter to President Trump this week. “With much respect, in this matter, we have not signed any agreement with the government of the United States or Canada,” Lopez Obrador said Saturday during a tour of northern Mexico, per Reuters. The leftist leader, who took power in December, has sought to boost state-owned oil company Pemex and other state-owned energy companies, but industry figures say this has come at the expense of private companies and led to cancellation of contracts. Energy companies believe their contracts were covered by pre-existing agreements and are preparing litigation against Mexico, according to lawyers and industry sources.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-energy/mexicos-president-pushes-back-against-us-lawmakers-energy-policy-complaints-idUSKBN2790ZD