⁍ Britain and the EU have a good chance of striking a deal on future relations, the British government’s Northern Ireland minister Brandon Lewis said on Sunday.

⁍ ‘I’m always an optimist … and I hope and I think there’s a good chance we can get a deal, but the EU need to understand it is for them to move as well,’ Lewis told the BBC.

– British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Monday in an attempt to break the logjam over Britain’s departure from the European Union. May’s Conservative Party has been under pressure from within her own party to get a Brexit deal with the EU that keeps Britain in the single market and the customs union, reports the BBC, which notes that Juncker has warned that no deal is better than a bad one. May is expected to outline her vision for Britain’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU during an address to the House of Commons on Monday. On Sunday, British Northern Ireland Minister Brandon Lewis told the BBC that he believed there was a “good chance” a deal could be reached. “The EU need to understand it is for them to move as well,” he said.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/britain-eu-lewis/a-good-chance-we-can-get-a-deal-with-eu-says-uk-minister-lewis-idUSL8N2HG07D