⁍ The United States has seen its highest ever number of new COVID-19 cases in the past two days.

⁍ China’s top leaders will chart the country’s economic course for 2021-2025 at a meeting starting on Monday.

– Spain has declared a state of emergency as the number of cases of coronavirus, a respiratory illness related to the common cold, climbs to 40, the country’s health ministry says. The latest case is a 10-year-old boy who has been hospitalized in Madrid and is in critical but stable condition, the AP reports. The disease has also spread to at least two other Spanish children, one of whom is in critical condition and the other in stable condition, the ministry says. In the US, the CDC says the latest case is the highest-ever number of new cases of the illness, which has been traced to a patient who had recently traveled to Mexico, Reuters reports.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/global-markets/asia-shares-make-guarded-gains-virus-breaks-new-records-idUSKBN27B02D