⁍ A 59-year-old man is in critical condition after a shark attacked him at Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

⁍ Paramedics airlifted the man from Britomart Reef to Townsville Hospital.

⁍ There have been seven fatal unprovoked shark attacks in Australia this year.

– A 59-year-old spearfishing near Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is in critical condition after a shark attacked him Sunday, Reuters reports. “There was obviously evidence of a very significant shark bite to the patient’s upper thigh, pelvic region,” says a doctor with LifeFlight Australia. “He remained in a critical condition after our interventions and he’s now undergoing emergency surgery here in the hospital.” There have been seven fatal unprovoked shark attacks in Australia this year, two of them in Queensland.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-shark/man-critical-after-shark-attack-at-australias-great-barrier-reef-idUSKBN27A09G