⁍ As of 5:00 p.m. local time, health workers had done 136,904 tests with 5,298 positive results.

⁍ The tests were administered between Friday and Sunday at around 235 sites in four northern regions.

⁍ In some locations, many people even showed up who live outside the designated regions.

– The number of people in Slovakia diagnosed with the H1N1 virus has soared to 43,843, the country’s health ministry says. That’s more than double the number diagnosed in all of Europe as a whole, according to the World Health Organization. The H1N1 outbreak has also spread to other Central European countries, including the Czech Republic, which has seen more than twice as many cases as Slovakia, Reuters reports. Over the weekend, tens of thousands of people across Slovakia took part in voluntary tests designed to catch the virus before it jumps to the rest of the world. The tests found a infection rate of 3.87%, the government says, and the government plans to widen the scope of the testing to the whole country next weekend. Those who took the tests were offered less strict rules than those who didn’t, while those with positive results were given less strict rules than those who didn’t take the tests at all. “Thanks to the effort of all the involved staff and the responsibility of people who participated, the pilot phase of the country-wide testing has proven successful,” says Slovakia’s prime minister.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/healthcoronavirus-slovakia/slovakias-mass-coronavirus-testing-attracts-tens-of-thousands-idUSL8N2HG0OP