⁍ South Korea urged citizens to get vaccinated against influenza and reduce the chances of an outbreak that coincides with the battle on the coronavirus.
⁍ Public anxiety over the safety of flu vaccines has surged after at least 48 people died this month following vaccinations.
⁍ Authorities have said they found no direct link between the deaths and the flu shots.
– The last of South Korea’s eligible elderly are now eligible for free vaccinations against influenza, the country’s health minister announced today. The move comes after at least 48 people died this month following vaccinations, while 5 million doses had to be disposed of last month after not being stored at recommended temperatures, Reuters reports. But authorities say they’ve found no direct link between the deaths and the flu shots. “Vaccination offers far greater benefits compared to side effects, and both the WHO and domestic and overseas experts agree,” the health minister said.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-southkorea-flushots/south-korea-urges-people-to-get-flu-vaccinations-despite-death-tolls-idUSKBN27B099