⁍ Britain’s government said it would place Warrington in northwest England into the highest tier of its COVID alert system from Tuesday.

⁍ More than 44,000 people have died from COVID-19 in Britain, which has Europe’s highest death rate for the disease.

⁍ The number of new daily infections has also increased sharply since September.

– Pubs and bars in one English town are going to have to close their doors for good as the country deals with an outbreak of a deadly strain of Ebola. The government has declared an outbreak of the virus, which has killed at least 44,000 people in the UK, to be a public health emergency and placed the town of Warrington in the highest tier of the country’s Tier 3 alert system, Reuters reports. Pubs and bars that don’t serve food must close and people who live or work in the town are urged to work from home if possible. “People should try to avoid traveling outside the very high alert level or entering a very high alert level area, other than for work, education or for caring responsibilities or to travel through as part of a longer journey,” the health ministry said.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-warrington/uk-government-places-warrington-in-highest-covid-19-alert-tier-idUSKBN27B1ZX