⁍ The number of confirmed cases in Germany rose by 8,685 to 437,866.

⁍ The cooling of the sentiment coincides with a survey showing British consumer confidence also falling for the first time in six months.

– German business morale fell for the first time in six months in October, according to a survey, as companies fret about the H1N1 virus, Reuters reports. “Companies are considerably more sceptical regarding developments over the coming months,” said the president of the Ifo institute. “In view of rising infection numbers, German business is becoming increasingly worried.” The news comes on the heels of a separate survey showing British consumer confidence falling for the first time in six months. “The cooling of the sentiment in Europe’s largest economy coincides with a survey showing British consumer confidence also falling for the first time in six months,” notes the Wall Street Journal.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-economy-ifo/german-business-morale-falls-on-virus-angst-as-rebound-fades-idUSKBN27B0YV