⁍ From Oct. 31, all foreign workers arriving in Norway from EU countries that are experiencing a high number of COVID-19 cases must undergo a ten-day quarantine.

⁍ Indoor public gatherings will now be limited to 50 people, reversing an earlier decision to allow up to 200 people.

⁍ While Norway has Europe’s lowest level of new COVID-19 infections, the government believes that a failure to impose targeted measures now could lead to a broader lockdown later.

– “We need to do more to control the spread of the infection.” That from Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, who on Monday announced new quarantine rules designed to stop the spread of coronavirus, a respiratory illness related to the common cold that has killed two people in Norway this year. Reuters reports the new rules, which go into effect Oct. 31, will limit indoor public gatherings to 50 people, limit private meetings to no more than five guests, and require foreign workers entering the country from EU countries with a high number of cases to undergo a 10-day quarantine. Previously, exceptions to quarantine rules were allowed for foreign workers arriving in Norway from EU countries with a high number of cases, and Solberg says the new rules are designed to stop the spread of the illness before it’s too late. “We need to do more to control the spread of the infection,” Solberg said, per Reuters. “While Norway has Europe’s lowest level of new COVID-19 infections, the government believes that a failure to impose targeted measures now could lead to a broader lockdown later, like those of several other countries.” Solberg invoked emergency powers in March to shut schools, restaurants, sporting events, and a wide range of public and private institutions, before starting a gradual easing of restrictions in the months that followed.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-norway/norway-tightens-rules-on-gatherings-and-foreign-workers-as-virus-spreads-idUSKBN27B1ZS