⁍ France’s health ministry said on Sunday that there were 52,000 new cases in 24 hours.

⁍ Finnair has started selling business class-inspired ready meals in supermarkets.

⁍ Italy and Spain on Sunday became the latest countries to reimpose lockdown measures.

– Pandemic Pandemic No. 19 continues to wreak havoc across the northern hemisphere, with new cases reported in France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Here’s a look at what’s happening: New cases: France reported 52,000 cases in 24 hours, which Reuters estimates would be equivalent to nearly 500,000 cases in the US, where the current daily figures are under 100,000. New cases: In Italy, the government on Sunday declared a state of emergency and ordered all bars and restaurants to close at 6pm, while Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced a state of emergency that includes nighttime curfews and travel restrictions. Pandemic No. 19 is wreaking havoc across the northern hemisphere, with cases reported in France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Here’s a look at what’s happening in those countries. Pandemic No. 19 is wreaking havoc across the northern hemisphere, with cases reported in France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Here’s a look at what’s happening in those countries. Pandemic No. 19 is wreaking havoc across the northern hemisphere, with cases reported in France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Here’s a look at what’s happening in those countries. Pandemic No. 19 is wreaking havoc across the northern hemisphere, with cases reported in France, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Here’s a look at what’s happening in France. Pandemic No. 19 is wreaking havoc across the northern hemisphere, with cases reported in France.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-finance-breakingvi/breakingviews-corona-capital-covid-cases-finnair-meals-idUSKBN27B20L