⁍ The Vatican in June announced the beatification of Hernandez, a doctor known for treating the poor during the Spanish flu pandemic a century ago.

⁍ The decree moves him a step closer to sainthood.

⁍ The exhumation will collect relics including skeletal remains and clothing.

– He’s a step closer to sainthood. Reuters reports forensic experts in Venezuela on Monday exhumed the body of Jose Gregorio Hernandez, a 19th-century priest known as the “doctor of the poor.” Pope Francis in June signed a beatification decree for Hernandez, who died in 1919. The exhumation is meant to “guarantee the prolonged preservation of his body,” the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference said in a statement. relics including Hernandez’s skeletal remains and clothing will be distributed to dioceses in Venezuela, the Holy See, and sanctuaries created in other countries in honor of Hernandez.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-church/venezuela-exhumes-remains-of-doctor-beatified-by-vatican-idUSKBN27B2G2