⁍ ‘It will have immediate consequences if there are things that we assess to be illegal,’ Maas said.

⁍ Protesters planned to march to the German embassy in Bangkok to present a petition to investigate the king’s use of his powers.

⁍ The German government has said it would be unacceptable for him to conduct politics from Germany.

– As anti-government protesters in Thailand march on the German embassy in Bangkok, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas says his country is “monitoring this long-term” and “will have immediate consequences if there are things that we assess to be illegal.” He spoke as protesters plan to march to the German embassy on Monday to present a petition to Berlin to investigate King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s use of his powers while in the European nation, reports Reuters. The German government has said it would be unacceptable for him to conduct politics from Germany.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-thailand-maas/german-government-warns-thai-king-not-to-conduct-politics-from-germany-idUSKBN27B16L