⁍ In the first large-scale demonstrations directly targeting churches, crowds carried posters depicting a crucified pregnant woman and handed out protest cards to priests.
⁍ A Constitutional Court decision outlawing abortions due to foetal defects has triggered four days of demonstrations.
⁍ In southern city of Katowice, a 7,000-strong crowd of mostly women gathered in front of the cathedral, chanting ‘this is war’ and ‘human law, not ecclesiastical law
– Thousands of anti-abortion protesters took to the streets in Poland yesterday, disrupting church services and spray-painting walls with slogans like “abortion without borders” and “you have blood on your hands.” This is the first time protests have targeted churches in the predominantly Catholic country, Reuters reports. “Our rage should be directed towards politicians, but also towards senior church figures as they have also added to this women’s hell that the authorities are preparing,” said one protest organizer. The ruling by Poland’s Constitutional Court outlaws abortions due to fetal defects or incest. “I’m here today because it annoys me that in a secular country the church decides for me what rights I have, what I can do, and what I’m not allowed to do,” said a 26-year-old protesting in front of a church in Warsaw. “However, the Church cannot stop defending life, nor can it abandon the proclamation that every human being must be protected from conception until natural death.”
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-poland-abortion/polish-protesters-disrupt-church-services-over-near-total-abortion-ban-idUSKBN27A0JW