⁍ Croatia has intensified efforts this week to fight coronavirus.
⁍ Reported 828 infections, down from Sunday’s daily record of 2,421 new cases.
⁍ Croats will have to wear face masks outdoors whenever it is not possible to maintain required physical distance.
– An outbreak of the respiratory illness known as coronavirus has killed four people in Croatia and sickened more than 41,000 across the country, the country’s health ministry says. The virus has killed a woman in her 60s, a man in his 70s, and a man in his 40s, the ministry says, per the AP. The country has restricted public gatherings to no more than 50, forced people to wear face masks whenever possible, and urged people to work from home if possible, Reuters reports. In neighboring Bosnia, the disease has killed one and sickened more than 41,000.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-croatia-slovenia/croatia-slovenia-bosnia-toughen-anti-coronavirus-measures-idUSKBN27B14O