⁍ Social media users have been sharing content online following the Oct. 23 debate echoing the president’s claim that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden used the word super predators when talking about African Americans.

⁍ Some posts online include videos of two 1990s video clips where Biden is speaking as a Delaware Senator.

⁍ While he does say the word predator, he does not say super predator.

⁍ In one clip Biden says: ‘There’s about 100,000 of them who are the predators. 100,000 of the kids you read about in the front page of the newspaper every day

– “There’s about 100,000 of them who are the predators. There’s real bad apples out there. A 100,000 of the kids you read about on the front page of the newspaper every day.” So said Joe Biden in the second presidential debate, echoing President Trump’s claim that the former senator had used the word “super predator” to describe African-Americans. But while Biden did use the term “predators,” he did not use the term “super predator,” the Washington Post reports. A search of the transcript revealed that Biden was talking about non-violent offenders, not African-Americans, and the term “super predator” did not appear in the original video, which can be seen here. “We have no choice but to take them out of society,” Biden said in a 1993 speech, which can be seen here. “Unless we do something about that cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents without supervision without any structure without any conscience developing. A portion of them will become predators 15 years from now and Madam President we have predators on our streets. They are beyond the pale, many of those people. We have no choice but to take them out of society.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-hillary-clinton-biden-super/fact-checkhillary-clinton-not-joe-biden-used-thetermsuperpredatorin1990s-idUSKBN27B1PQ