⁍ Wall Street’s indexes tumbled on Monday, with the S&P 500 on track for its worst day in more than a month.
⁍ soaring coronavirus cases and a deadlock in Washington over a fiscal aid bill darkened the economic outlook.
– The stock market got off to a miserable start this morning, with the Dow falling more than 200 points in the first half-hour of trading. At 11am, the Dow was down 2.3%, the S&P 500 was down 2.4%, and the Nasdaq was down 2.3%, according to Reuters. Investors were spooked by disappointing numbers from Europe and the Middle East, as well as a deadlock in Washington over a fiscal aid bill ahead of the election. “It’s fairly connected to the fact that virus cases are rising not just in the US but globally, and it doesn’t seem that we’re going to get a stimulus package,” one trader tells Reuters. “Every day the market ebbs and flows based on stimulus, but the virus has grown so fast that it’s overshadowed that to some extent.”
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-instantview/instant-view-sp-500-down-more-than-2-amid-stimulus-deadlock-idUSKBN27B23O