⁍ Witnesses said a number of luxury stores, including a Gucci fashion shop, were ransacked in central Turin.

⁍ Police responded with volleys of tear gas as they tried to restore order in the city, the capital of the wealthy Piedmont region.

⁍ There were also clashes in Milan, the capital of the neighbouring Lombardy region.

– New restrictions on the H1N1 virus have sparked protests across Italy, with hundreds of young people breaking into luxury stores and hurling firecrackers at police, Reuters reports. In Turin, police fired tear gas at crowds of young people, who ransacked stores including a Gucci store and threw fireworks at them. In Milan, protesters chanted “Freedom, freedom, freedom” as they confronted police. The new rules, which ban bars, swimming pools, cinemas, and many other venues from closing at 6pm, are designed to stop a second wave of infections from the virus, which has killed at least 10 people in Italy. Small businesses are opposed to the new rules, saying they could bankrupt them.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy/protests-flare-in-italian-cities-against-covid-19-restrictions-idUSKBN27B2OM