⁍ The scheme is being set up by the promoters of the COVAX vaccine facility.
⁍ It could foot the bill for 92 low-income countries.
⁍ However dozens of middle-income countries would not be offered this protection.
– The World Health Organization and GAVI, a vaccine alliance, are setting up a compensation fund for people in poor nations who may suffer side effects from vaccines, Reuters reports. According to a document published on Thursday, the fund will cover people in 92 low-income countries, meaning their governments won’t be responsible for any claims from patients should anything go wrong with a vaccine. But dozens of middle-income countries, including South Africa, Lebanon, Gabon, Iran, and most Latin American states, won’t be eligible for the compensation.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-who-vaccines/whos-covid-vaccine-scheme-to-offer-insurance-coverage-to-poor-nations-idUSKBN27E2CM