⁍ Digital installation shows seven years and 102 days remain before average global temperatures reach 1.5 degrees Celsius.

⁍ Countries in the 2015 Paris Agreement agreed on measures to limit emissions to stay below the critical temperature mark.

⁍ The clock’s installation will take over what is known as the Metronome, where 15 spinning LED digits tell the time of day.

– “There’s good news. That number isn’t zero,” artist Gan Golan tells the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “We can meet this challenge, but we don’t have any time to lose.” That’s the message behind the Climate Clock, a massive digital clock unveiled in New York City’s Union Square on Saturday. Created by Golan and Andrew Boyd, the clock shows seven years and 102 days left before average global temperatures reach a critical point of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, which the UN warns could cause the loss of coral reefs and Arctic sea ice. The clock is a replacement for New York City’s Metronome monument, which shows the time of day and the time remaining in a day. “This clock is not saying ‘Hey in seven years we get to wake up and start to do something,'” Boyd tells Reuters. “It’s about taking action right now. Climate change is already here.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-climate-clock-trfn/spinning-clock-in-new-york-counts-down-time-until-climate-devastation-idUSKCN26B00W