⁍ North Dakota set a hospitalization record on Monday.

⁍ Missouri and South Dakota hit their highest level to date on Sunday.

⁍ Nationally, the number of coronavirus patients hospitalized has fallen to an average of 30,000 a day.

– Six states have reported record-high numbers of hospitalized patients with coronavirus this month, Reuters reports. North Dakota, Missouri, South Dakota, Montana, Hawaii, and West Virginia each reported a new record on Monday. The number of hospitalized patients has fallen to an average of 30,000 a day over the past two weeks, down from an average of nearly 36,000 a day the previous two weeks. But that’s not good news. According to the CDC, the number of deaths from coronavirus in the US has risen to 94, with 14 of those deaths occurring over the past two weeks. Eight states reported record-high one-day increases in cases this month, including Arkansas, Illinois, North Dakota, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-records-factbo/factbox-record-covid-19-hospitalizations-in-six-us-states-in-september-idUSKCN26C2X3