⁍ The site, vote.gop, gives voters customized choices based on the options in their respective state.
⁍ It also sends them emails tailored to their preferences that reminds them of important deadlines.
⁍ Republicans registered 46,000 voters in 2016 – and has tripled its 2016 volunteer voter registrations this cycle.
– “In the most crucial election of our lifetime, it has never been more important for voters to have the information they need to take an action to vote, whether by Absentee, Early Voting, or voting on Election Day,” Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, said in a statement Tuesday announcing the launch of a new Spanish-language version of the party’s voter registration website, vote.gop, Reuters reports. The site, which has been updated to include early voting and expanded to include state-by-state voting information, is designed to help Hispanic voters navigate the voting options in their states while also helping them register to vote, according to the RNC, which says 700,000 people have registered to vote or checked their registration on the site since the beginning of the election cycle. Democrats have a similar website and have long had a Spanish-language version. The expanded website is part of the Republican Party’s get-out-the-vote effort. Since the beginning of the election cycle, 700,000 voters have registered to vote or checked their voter registration on the site, according to the RNC. The party has also gained over 140,000 new voters from volunteer fieldwork, including 20,000 new Republicans over just the last three weeks, according to the RNC. By comparison, Republicans registered 46,000 voters in 2016—and has tripled its 2016 volunteer voter registrations.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-republicans-web-site/republican-party-courts-hispanic-voters-with-new-voter-registration-website-idUSKCN26D1W8