⁍ Aleutian Capital Partners LLC paid a market research analyst with an H-1B visa, even though she never filed a complaint with the agency.

⁍ A unanimous three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said once another visa holder who worked for Aleutian had complained about being underpaid, it was within DOL’s authority to probe the bank’s pay practices.

– The US Department of Labor has the authority to investigate an investment bank that paid one of its H-1B visa holders too little, a federal appeals court decided Tuesday. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled unanimously that the DOL had the authority to look into Aleutian Capital Partners’ practices after another employee with an H-1B visa complained about being underpaid, Westlaw Today reports. The court said that even though the first employee never filed a complaint, it was within the DOL’s authority to look into the bank’s practices with respect to Minh-Thuong Horn, the only other employee with an H-1B visa it had hired.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/immigration-dol/dol-can-probe-pay-of-visa-workers-who-dont-file-complaints-2nd-circuit-idUSL2N2GJ2DM