⁍ Siemens Energy is working on plans to exit technologies tied to coal-fired power stations, CEO Joe Kaeser told Welt am Sonntag.

⁍ A plan is being discussed which will take into account the interests of customers, 12,000 employees who work at the division, and shareholders.

– German engineering giant Siemens is working on a plan to exit the coal-fired power industry, CEO Joe Kaeser told a German newspaper today. “That we have to exit coal is completely clear, but one also has to be a reliable partner for customers,” he said, according to Reuters. The company is currently working on technologies for coal-fired power stations.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-siemens-energy-coal/siemens-energy-mulls-plan-for-exiting-coal-activities-welt-am-sonntag-idUSKBN26H11W