⁍ Pabllo Vittar and Gloria Groove will each appear on separate covers of Vogue Brasil’s issue entitled ‘Eleganza Extravaganza’
Vogue Brasil has a print readership of 365,000 and is part of Conde Nast’s global Vogue brand.

⁍ Despite a string of recent legal victories, LGBT+ issues remain divisive in Brazil.

– “It’s not wrong for you to love yourself, to take care of yourself,” says Grammy-nominated drag queen Pabllo Vittar. “People will have to learn to respect you for who you are.” Vittar is one of two drag queens to grace the October covers of Vogue Brasil, marking “a landmark for the iconic fashion publication in a nation where openly gay and trans people face violence and discrimination,” perThomson Reuters. Rapper Gloria Groove, meanwhile, says she’s “living a dream” and “thrilled with the invitation because being here positions drag queens as fashion icons.”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-media-vogue-dragqueens/drag-queens-to-grace-vogue-magazine-cover-in-brazil-idUSKBN26J3AJ