⁍ ‘We are already in a phase of exponential growth,’ Merkel says.

⁍ Leaders of Germany’s 16 states agree on tougher measures to control spread of virus.

– German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the country is “in a phase of exponential growth” as it deals with the H7N9 virus. “We are already in a phase of exponential growth, the daily numbers show that,” she told leaders of the country’s 16 states at a meeting today, according to Reuters. “In the coming days and weeks, the measures Germany takes will be decisive in determining how well the country makes it through the ongoing coronavirus pandemic,” she said.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-germany-merkel/merkel-says-the-coming-days-weeks-are-decisive-in-battling-pandemic-idUSS8N2AL0AN