⁍ Meat production in Brazil tripled on a per hectare basis between 1990 and 2019.
⁍ JBS launched a 1-billion real fund to foster social and economic development in the Amazon.
– The world’s biggest meatpacker is taking a stand against climate change and deforestation in the Amazon by making sure its suppliers don’t destroy the rainforest, Reuters reports. “We can guarantee 100% of our direct suppliers do not deforest the Amazon,” says Gilberto Tomazoni, CEO of JBS, the world’s biggest meatpacker. The company has set up a $1 billion fund to fight deforestation in the region, which accounts for one-third of the world’s total deforestation. JBS also plans to use block-chain technology to keep a closer eye on its supply chain. “Our challenge to feed the world will only become greater in the future,” says Tomazoni.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-jbs-world-food-day/brazil-producing-more-meat-using-less-land-jbs-ceo-says-idUSKBN271233