⁍ Greenberg Traurig confirmed Friday that it’s offering some U.S. staff voluntary buyouts.

⁍ Goodwin Procter confirmed it is giving staff an extra $1,000 to reward their work during the COVID-19 crisis.

– The H1N1 virus has hit US law firms hard, but Greenberg Traurig and Goodwin Procter aren’t among them. Both firms are offering voluntary buyouts to some of their lawyers, reports Westlaw Today. Greenberg Traurig says it has performed “solidly” despite the virus, but the remote working environment has made the buyouts “sensible at this time” because of changes in the law firm’s needs in the future.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/lawyer-pay-greenberg-traurig/greenberg-traurig-offers-buyouts-goodwin-opts-for-staff-bonuses-as-firms-recalibrate-staffing-and-pay-idUSL1N2H729C