⁍ Melbourne, Victoria’s capital, has been under a strict lockdown for more than 100 days.

⁍ Retail and restaurants operate only on take-away or delivery orders.

⁍ With 816 deaths, Victoria accounts for more than 90% of all lives lost to coronavirus in Australia this year.

– The Australian state of Victoria has declared a state of emergency over an outbreak of a mysterious virus that has killed more than 800 people this year, Reuters reports. The state has declared a public health emergency over an outbreak of coronavirus, which has forced the lockdown of Melbourne for more than 100 days, according to the BBC. People can only exercise outdoors for two hours, dine out on take-away or delivery orders, and have no contact with other people for the same amount of time. On Sunday, two new cases of coronavirus were recorded, bringing the total number of cases this year to 27,300, the BBC reports. Officials say they will ease restrictions when the average number of new cases over a two-week window falls below five. According to the state’s modelling, the restrictions could be lifted by the end of October.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-australia/australias-covid-19-hotspot-records-two-cases-ahead-of-plans-to-ease-lockdown-idUSL4N2H808E