⁍ Millennials, or those born between 1981 and 1996, are more disillusioned than Generation X, Baby Boomers and Interwar Generation.

⁍ The picture is bad in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, France, Australia and the United Kingdom.

⁍ The main reason behind the disillusion with democracy among young people was inequality of wealth and income.

– A new study out of the University of Cambridge finds that people born between 1981 and 1996 are less satisfied with democracy than people born between 1965 and 1981 or “Baby Boomers” born between 1944 and 1964, reports Reuters. “Across the world, younger generations are not only more dissatisfied with democratic performance than the old, but also more discontented than previous generations at similar life stages,” says the Cambridge Center for the Future of Democracy, which surveyed 4.8 million people in 160 countries between 1973 and 2020. “The main reason behind the disillusion with democracy among young people was inequality of wealth and income,” the report says, citing figures showing that Millennials make up around a quarter of the US population but hold just 3% of the wealth. Baby Boomers held 21% of the wealth at the same age. “Across the world, younger generations are not only more dissatisfied with democratic performance than the old, but also more discontented than previous generations at similar life stages,” says the center’s director. The US fared the worst, followed by Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, France, Australia, and the United Kingdom. But satisfaction has increased in Germany, South Korea, and many of the post-Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-youth/millennials-get-little-satisfaction-from-democracy-cambridge-study-idUSKBN2742YT