⁍ In the past three years, federal judges in New York and across the country have made very clear their view of the tactics of copyright lawyer Richard Liebowitz.

⁍ Liebowitz was only admitted to the bar in late 2015.

⁍ He has filed more than 2,000 cases in federal courts, most of them for photographers who alleged their work was misappropriated.

– A well-known New York copyright lawyer who’s been called “a copyright troll” and an “example of the worst kind of lawyering” is now being sued for malpractice, the New York Daily News reports. According to Reuters, photographer Glen Craig says Richard Liebowitz reached a settlement with music company UMG that was “not acceptable, not authorized, and not agreed to.” Craig, who says he’s been photographing stars for more than 50 years, says he told Liebowitz he wouldn’t settle for less than a minimum amount and was “shocked” when he found out the terms of the settlement. Craig’s malpractice lawsuit accuses Liebowitz of not informing Craig that he was making a settlement and of failing to put Craig’s interests before his own. In one case, Liebowitz was sanctioned for nearly $100,000 and awarded nearly $25,000 in fees and costs. In another, a judge sanctioned Liebowitz for filing a bad-faith motion to disqualify its expert witness. “Judges in this district and elsewhere have spent untold hours addressing Mr. Liebowitz’s misconduct, which includes repeated violations of court orders and outright dishonesty, sometimes under oath,” wrote US District Judge Jesse Furman in a decision last year. “He has been called ‘a copyright troll,’ ‘a clear and present danger to the fair and efficient administration of justice,’ a ‘legal lamprey,’ and an ‘example of the worst kind of lawyering.'”

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/legal-us-otc-liebowitz/oft-sanctioned-copyright-troll-victimized-client-says-new-malpractice-suit-idUSKBN2772VT