⁍ This week marked the 10th anniversary of ‘Antennagate,’ one of the biggest scandals in Apple history.
⁍ The scandal began when Apple’s iPhone 4 went on sale on June 24, 2010.
⁍ Customers who bought the phone quickly realized its bars disappeared or calls were dropped altogether when held in the left hand.

– This week marks the 10th anniversary of “Antennagate,” “one of the biggest scandals in Apple history,” as Business Insider puts it. The scandal began when Apple’s iPhone 4 went on sale on June 24, 2010. Customers who bought the phone quickly realized its bars disappeared or calls were dropped altogether when held in the left hand. Apple downplayed the problem as a miscalculation of signal strength, and then CEO Steve Jobs told customers they were simply holding the phone wrong. Apple eventually admitted that the problem was hardware flaw due to a change in the phone’s antenna design and offered customers a free bumper case to solve the issue. Two years later, Antennagate was officially put to bed when Apple settled a class action lawsuit over the issue.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-antennagate-scandal-timeline-10-year-anniversary-2020-7