⁍ Almost three-quarters of mothers in Britain have been forced to cut work hours because of childcare issues under COVID-19 lockdowns.
⁍ More than eight in 10 employed mothers said they needed childcare to be able to work.
⁍ Black and ethic minority women were more likely to report that they were being made redundant.
– The coronavirus has hit pregnant women especially hard in the UK, where 75% of them say they’ve had to cut work hours because of a lack of childcare, Reuters reports. “This lack of childcare is destroying women’s careers,” says the founder of a campaign group called Pregnant Then Screwed. “They are being made redundant, they are being forced to cut their hours, and they are being treated negatively all because they are picking up the unpaid labor.” According to the group’s survey of 20,000 pregnant women and mothers, half of those who were or were expected to be made redundant during the virus say childcare issues played a role.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-women-careers/lack-of-childcare-found-destroying-uk-mothers-careers-amid-covid-19-idUSKCN24Q0OY